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NeuroMaker HAND 2.0 Curriculum

Each Lesson comes with comprehensive and one-page lesson plans, presentation decks, assessment materials, student lab notes, background documents, and more. 


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Module 1: Project Guided Assembly

In Module 1: NeuroMaker Hand Guided Assembly, students discover the processes for assembling a real-life prototype while working in small groups. They are introduced to mechanical and electrical engineering concepts and skills while engaging in self-direction, information literacy, and demonstrating perseverance. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Manufacturing Production Process Development, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Manufacturing Engineering.

Lesson 1: Structural Assembly
Lesson 2: Electrical Assembly
Lesson 3: Tendon Connection and HAND Structures
Lesson 4: Reflection and Debugging

Module 2: Biomedical Exploration

In Module 2: Biotech and Biomedical Exploration, students explore Biotechnology and Biomedical concepts while collaborating with others to brainstorm solutions to real world problems. They are introduced to neuroscientific, biomedical, and prosthetic design concepts and skills while engaging in problem solving and demonstrating creativity and social responsibility. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Biotechnology Research and Development, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Neuroscience
Lesson 2: Body Systems and the Human Hand
Lesson 3: Brain Machine Interface
Lesson 4: Biomedical Technology
Lesson 5: Prosthetics Technology
Lesson 6: Prosthetics and the Human Grip
Module 2: Culminating Experience

Module 3: Engineering Design

In Module 3: Engineering Design, students explore the engineering design process to discover the different phases of development while collaboratively engineering their own prosthetic hand prototype. Students learn introductory computer science  concepts and engage in critical evaluation and innovation skills while demonstrating technology skills and digital literacy. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Engineering and Technology, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Lesson 1: What is the Engineering Design Process?
Lesson 2: How Do I Engineer a Prototype?
Lesson 3: Introduction to Circuits and PCBs
Lesson 4: Introduction to 3D Printing
Lesson 5: Introduction to Manufacturing
Module 3: Culminating Experience

Module 4: Life and Physical Sciences Exploration

In Module 4: Life and Physical Sciences Exploration, students use their completed NeuroMaker HAND to explore physics, energy, and the human body. They are introduced to critical scientific hypothesis testing and experience the affect physical forces have on objects while engaging in critical thinking and problem solving. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Engineering and Technology, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Materials Science.

Lesson 1: What is Energy?
Lesson 2: Motion and Friction
Lesson 3: Exploring Static Friction

Module 5: Introduction to Programming

In Module 5: Introduction to Programming, students use block-based coding and/or text-based coding to connect and test the capability of their completed NeuroMaker Hand. They are introduced to foundational coding skills and computing logic while demonstrating critical thinking, problem solving skills, and perseverance. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Programming and Software Development, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Computer Programming.

Lesson 1: Setting Up a Programming Environment
Lesson 2: Introduction with Rock, Paper, Scissors
Lesson 3: Conditionals (bonus asynchronous student eLearning course)
Lesson 4: Functions and Variables

Module 6: Applied Artificial Intelligence

In Module 6: Applied Artificial Intelligence Exploration, students explore and apply concepts of artificial intelligence through the lenses of global citizenship and privacy. They are introduced to Neuroethics and logical processes while discussing cutting-edge use cases and models within the emerging field of Applied Artificial Intelligence. This Module exposes students to a variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, such as Information Support and Services, and allows students to develop foundational skills and potential interest in career fields such as Data Science.

Lesson 1: What is AI?
Lesson 2: Smart Machines: Sensors and Data
Lesson 3: Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
Lesson 4: Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence 
Lesson 5: Neuroethics
Lesson 6: Hand Gesture Recognition
Lesson 7: Text Recognition
Lesson 8: Speech Recognition
Lesson 9: Autonomous Hand
Lesson 10: Careers in AI
Module 6: Culminating Experience

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